Welcome to Mike's Tangents...

Hello there! Welcome to my blog. This online journal covers both professional and personal notes, thoughts, aspirations, questions, and whatever else is going on inside my head and heart, and is intended for you to get to know me just a bit more. Please enjoy, & be sure to visit my website for more info. Thanks for swinging by, & enjoy the tangents...


Nick and Jeni

Please meet Nick and Jeni. They were such a fun and "bubbly couple! Nick is actually the brother of JJ who recently got married, of which you will see images this week. Well, these two have been married for over a year now, and really wanted some GREAT images of the two of them together. So with a beautiful afternoon a few weeks ago we conquered Oldtown Monterey and the Monterey Harbor. Nick really likes boats and will eventually take me sailing I'm sure :), so I weaseled my way into the locked docks with just a gentle request to a boat owner...who actually invited us to use her boat! Such cool people here! There's nothing wrong with asking...nicely.

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