This post is a far stretch from a wedding or engagement post, but definitely falls into the category of personal. So two days ago on Sunday I was sitting in my living room, trying to get started on my laptop on editing some images. I got a text from a friend that said a plane had crashed near my house. Immediately my first responder instincts kicked in, which then switched just a fast to my photojournalist instincts. I, of course, was concerned for the victims and began praying for them as I walked out of my house, camera in hand. Please note: I would not dare post an entry like this if the victims weren't going to be okay!
As many of you know, I live in the country on 14 acres about 20 minutes from my downtown studio office. We are far enough out to not get cable TV (which is good AND bad :). Anyway, I began to scout my property for a plane, thinkin' it was really close. As I began to get in my car I saw the entire calvary of 2 fire engines, 1 ambulance, 3 CHP, the Sheriff's office and a bunch more zip by my 1/4 mile driveway. I was right behind them!
The hard part was locating the aircraft. For about 30 minutes "we" couldn't find the crash site, but thankfully CalStar (emergency helicopters) were able to locate the victims and fly them to the hospital. But we still couldn't find the site. As it turns out, it had crashed in to the Salinas River which runs about half a mile from my house. The actual location though was in the river about three miles from my house, across all of the famous Salinas Valley fields. Of course, to present an even greater challenge, we've had a lot of rain lately and all of that great dirt for growing things becomes a beautiful, sticky least on the farm roads. Emergency vehicles were faced with their challenges, and I was faced with a decision: How badly do I want to photograph this, especially first on scene? So I began to walk.
Little did I know what distance 3 miles could be in the mud! I asked myself several times Why am I doing this? I like to finish what I start, and I'm stubborn, so I continued. Anyway, for a good part of the trip I was running...why, I don't know. But still. It felt good in theory.
So alas, the images. They were featured on 2 news channels. For those that say God doesn't exist, consider this: Both men are still alive! Pretty awesome. Keep 'em in your prayers for sure. I'm reminded that you never know, so cherish every moment with your loved ones!
Welcome to Mike's Tangents...
Plane Crash
The Longest Day...continued.
For those that were following along with the series, I'm pleased to share the final videos here. Team A was the winner, and Ron Dawson did a killer job on the production of this big fundraiser. They announced the winner at WPPI (of which I will blog about soon...I'm fighting off a bug, but will bounce back full of that Mikey Energy I've come to be known by!). So they are folks, enjoy! Thanks Ron for letting me share these...
Team A Video
Thirst Relief for Team A
Team B Video
NILMDTS for Team B
Idaho Fun
Before our trip to Vegas for the big photographer convention this weekend, I wanted to catch up a little and post some shots from Meaghan's lifestyle shoot up in Idaho. It was a blustery cold day, but Meaghan jumped on out there and had some fun. My desire is that each photo session I do be an opportunity for a fantastic experience chocked full of good times & memories, whether it be a high end wedding or a lifestyle session, cold or warm...She even changed into a summer dress and got in a field with some snow on the flip flops. That's my kind of fun, but obviously presents a challenge. It got real chilly when that sun started going down...And with the 20 somethin' degrees biting at us, the creativity time quickly began to dwindle. :) The envisioned shoot will definitely be captured this spring/summer for sure! Can you say, warmer? We had a blast, and I look forward to shooting more with Meaghan later this year!