Welcome to Mike's Tangents...

Hello there! Welcome to my blog. This online journal covers both professional and personal notes, thoughts, aspirations, questions, and whatever else is going on inside my head and heart, and is intended for you to get to know me just a bit more. Please enjoy, & be sure to visit my website for more info. Thanks for swinging by, & enjoy the tangents...


Out of focus?

Hey all, how about another kinda deep thought? It popped in my brain this afternoon after my follow up visit to the eye doctor. I got my eyes dialated today & it screwed up my ability to work on the computer vision wise, so I got to thinking. I can see far away clearly with no problem, but my vision right in front of me is foggy & blurry. I am confident about the things that I see, its just that they're not sharp & in focus. The details are unknown. So the application: I see clearly where we are going and where we want to go, but sometimes the details of how to get there & understanding of it all isn't so clear. But that's ok! The journey is great the people are wonderful. God is amazing. My encouragement to you is to keep pushing through the fog and it will eventually become clear. No telling how long it will take sometimes but perseverance is so critical. Don't give up. You're not alone! :)

This analogy is just the tip of the iceberg on how wide this could be & how deep you want to go with it, & how it specifically applies to your life. As always, I encourage you to run with it and make it your own...apply your journey & thoughts! And don't forget to enjoy the ride.

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